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The Crucc App was designed to simplify installing car radios, and is available for both Apple and Android. It calculates the Universal Code of any car radio to save you time and money. The app also includes a handy toolkit so you can pull information such as the dimensions of the radio, location of wiring connections, wire color codes, mounting brackets, etc. This Crucc App is a helpful tool that can save you hours or even days when installing a new audio or video system in your vehicle! Just download the app now from Google Play Store or iTunes Store. Universal car radio code calculator. Enables you to enter your car's details and it calculates the universal code so you know which radio is compatible with your vehicle. This application will help you save a lot of time and money when buying a new stereo for your car. Free app that calculates the Universal Car Radio Code for any audio unit Download from Google play store or iTunes store by googling or searching Crucc audio system appsThe Crucc brand was officially registered as a trademark by Crucc Inc on June 19th, 2017 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office under registration number 86923964 & & 89031039 . Crucc Inc. has received multiple awards & honors for its products and innovative business model. Awarded the “Top 10 Innovative Products” at the Consumer Electronics Show in 2017 by DigitalTrends. “Crucc Inc Products Set to Disrupt the Aftermarket Car Stereo Industry” Awarded Top Honors by iOT Magazine, June 2016 Issue. “Reshaping the Aftermarket Stereo Receiver Market is Crucc Inc, a consumer-focused automotive electronics company that designs industry-changing aftermarket receivers that are more affordable than comparable name brand receivers.” Awarded Top Honors by Fierce Innovation Awards, July 2015 Issue. “Crucc Inc. Car Stereo Receiver Receives Fierce Innovation Award.” Awarded Top Honors by the Fierceinnovation Awards, November 2014 Issue.“Crucc Inc. Cars & Electronics Launching Smart Phone App to Help Save Car Buyers Time and Money” TheCarConnection, June 1st, 2015 Issue “Crucc: Read Device Codes and Tune Your Car at Home Using a Bluetooth Dongle and a Smartphone or Tablet Computer When You're Away From the Vehicle.” InternetWorld, February 1st, 2015; Internet World Web Briefing; TheCarConnection; Crucc Inc. “Crucc Inc. Launches Bluetooth Dongle for Car Stereo With Integrated Smartphone App.” Consumer Reports, July 1st, 2014; TheCarConnection; Crucc Inc. “Crucc Thanks Customers with FREE Product Bundles and Smart Phone App that Checks Device Codes to Tune Your Car at Home.” TheCarConnection, June 2nd, 2014; Crucc Inc. "Crucc Products Set to Disrupt the Aftermarket Car Stereo Industry." iOT Magazine, June 19th, 2017; iOT Media Group "World's Most Innovative Vehicles Nominated by NHTSA for Safety Awards. cfa1e77820